Abby xxxxx 13th December 2023

I miss you so much Han, there’s so much I want to do with you and tell you. I keep looking back at photos and each time I see your big smile I can’t help but smile too. You had the most beautiful smile I wish I could see it again. I don’t know if I’ll ever fully process that you’re gone. I keep waiting thinking I’ll see you again soon or see your name pop up on my phone. The world feels empty without you in it. I want you to know how loved you were and continue to be. I tell everyone about you, you left a real legacy behind even in your few short years. Me and Ella went swimming the other day! With the FEAR charity, they gave Ella a dry suit and it was amazing! Her joy was so brilliant to see I know you would be so proud of her. Kim remembered you, she is so amazing you would have loved to go swimming. I forgot dinohan sorry! We’re going again at the end of the month so I’ll make sure to bring dinohan along this time… although I don’t think he’ll go swimming- he’s still very disheveled from getting soaked outside Euston last year!! Love you always